Morse View

Audible Morse code to text message converter.

This is an open source software project to convert audible Morse codes to text messages. This application is capable to convert Morse codes from wave files or from the audio line/microphone inputs. Conversion from Morse code to text can perform based on amplitude and frequency decomposition of the input audio stream.

We extensively test this application using Morse code files available at ARRL - W1AW code practice page. During the testing we may be able to use this application to decode 5WPM – 40WPM Morse code inputs. As per our test result, after 25WPM, accuracy of the decoder is heavily depends on the quality of the sound card / audio capture device (ADC) and with the system configuration. We test this system with few audio adapters, and out of those adapters both Creative Sound Blaster X-Fi and VIA VT1723 generate more accurate results, especially on 25WPM – 40WPM range.

We test this software with different noise configuration which including ±80% white noise, ±95% pink noise, etc. Under all these conditions decoder may be able to decode the messages with 96.3 – 99.81% accuracy.

This application is developed using Delphi XE5 and complete source code is available to download at Morse View project is distributed under the terms of GNU General Public License Version 3.0.